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Forestry carbon sink projects
update time:2021-02-26

The types of forestry carbon sink CCER projects are mainly divided into carbon sink afforestation, forest management, bamboo afforestation and bamboo forest management, of which our company mainly develops carbon sink afforestation projects.

The conditions that need to be met for forestry carbon sink CCER projects are:

  • Land eligibility: carbon sink afforestation requires no forest land or a small amount of secondary forest since February 16, 2005, and the soil cannot be wetland or organic soil; forest management requires the implementation for middle-aged and young forests after February 16, 2005, and must be mineral soil. Both types require that the disturbance of soil by the project activity meets the requirements of soil and water conservation, and that the proportion of soil disturbed area does not exceed 10% of the surface area and is not repeatedly disturbed within 20 years; the project activity does not involve comprehensive forest clearing and controlled fires such as mountain refining, and does not involve the transfer to agricultural activities;

  • Land eligibility documents: provincial forestry authorities issued by the land eligibility documents;

  • Tree species requirements: evergreen forest;

  • Land ownership certificate: it has the land ownership certificate or other supporting documents issued by the government above the county level, which conforms to the provisions of the law;

  • Documents: Afforestation operation design documents and documents approval, commencement certificate, acceptance report, etc.