Nature Based Solution

We could offer nature based solutions including the development of carbon sink afforestation and grassland projects, Forest Stop Logging projects, REDD project and the trading of carbon emission reductions.

VM0026:Sustainable Grassland Management

  • The development time of project should be after 2021 and the grassland is degenerated and used for grazing before development. Moreover it is unnecessary to clean the feces.

  • There is no cleaning of weed and feces in the project area for at least of 10 years, and the precipitation is less than evaporation. The project activities include expanding the time interval of grazing, controlling the animal number of grazing, replanting herbage or legume to manage or improve degeneration, while the implementation of project activities won’t cause the local people to use more firewood and fossil fuel for cooking and warming.

  • The project area should not be wetland and peatland.

VCS project methodology and applicability

AR-ACM0003:Afforestation and reforestation of lands except wetlands

  • l The land subject to the project activity does not fall in wetland category;

  • l Soil disturbance attributable to the project activity does not cover more than 10 per cent of area in each of the following types of land, when these lands are included within the project boundary: 

    • Land containing organic soils;

    • Land which, in the baseline, is subjected to land-use and management practices and receives inputs listed in appendices 1 and 2 to this methodology.

VCS project methodology and applicability

VM0010:Methodology for Improved Forest Management: Conversion from Logged to Protected Forest

  • Forest management in the baseline scenario must be planned timber harvest

  • Under the project scenario, forest use must be limited to activities that do not result in commercial timber harvest or forest degradation

  • Planned timber harvest must be estimated using forest inventory methods that determine allowable off take as volume of timber

  • The boundaries of the forest land must be clearly defined and documented

  • The baseline scenario cannot include conversion to managed plantations

  • The baseline scenario, project scenario and project case cannot include wetland or peatland

VCS project methodology and applicability

AR-AM0014:Afforestation and reforestation of degraded mangrove habitats

  • The land subject to the project activity is degraded mangrove habitat;

  • More than 90 per cent of the project area is planted with mangrove species. If more than 10 per cent of the project area is planted with non-mangrove species then the project activity does not lead to alteration of hydrology of the project area and hydrology of connected up-gradient and down-gradient wetland area;

  • Soil disturbance attributable to the A/R clean development mechanism (CDM) project activity does not cover more than 10 per cent of area.

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